In order to
communicate and prepare for the deployment of Project Seanergy, the Project Seanergy Foundation has
budgeted the
following resources:

funds raised will be allocated in the
following order.
- The first $700,000 is
allocated to the Project Searnery
Foundation and the steering committee.
- The next $700,000 is
dedicated to projects and
prototyping activities proposed by the public.
- The remaining $3,600,000
to meet the $5 million mark is reserved so the public can to rally and
select a Founding member. These funds would be allocated by projects
proposed by the member
and/or the public
What if a founding
member commit itself to the $5 millions auction?
$700,000 will go to the Foundation,
$700,000 will go to projects
selected by the
public the rest will be allocated to projects and ventures proposed by
the Founding member, the Steering committee and the Foundation
What if only 10
governors commit?
The other members of the steering committee will be proposed and
by the community.
Thank you for your interest
in the Project Seanergy Foundation.
Stefan Bumbaru