Distribution of mean
potential power by regions within Canada
potential Tidal Current Energy of 42000 MW.*
29595 MW only in Hudson Strait.
Canada Ocean
Energy Atlas, May 2006
In comparison, the UK
technically extractable tidal stream resource is ~2000 MW ± 30 %, which
is roughly 5% of current UK electricity and 18 millions tons of CO2
less per year.
(+ source: carbon trust)
This energy source could power 400 of the world's
biggest boats at the same time or could replace 600 50 MW Nuclear
power plants. This huge quantity of
energy is as green as green can be. It is fully renewable;
abundant; untapped and located just besides the next continent mankind
will start to exploit. Currently the by default scenario
forecasts that in 10 to 15 years, this energy could be exploited and
exported to answer North American energy requirements.
For the best interest of the community and
private interests, Project Seanergy
proposes that this untapped Energy should be exploited sooner in a
sustainable and global approach and dedicated to the needs of a
Pollution Free North Pole.
Technology is not an issue and proposal
is based on sound environmental and business
fundamentals. Everything is there to
allow for this to
happen. Except, since nobody
is on this ball because this energy has no perceived value yet,
what we recommend
might not happen for a long period if ever.
purpose is to ensure to make things evolve so this energy is properly
valued and exploited before other non renewable ones. We want to ensure
that a Pollution Free
North Pole is, at
the end of the day and
according to best in class
practices, the best and only "better business